Migration of heavy metals in the construction environment, and the management of industrial waste

Dr. Emmanuel B. Yamb
University of Bamenda, Republic of Cameroon, P.O Box 8842 Douala, yamb_bell@yahoo.fr;

Dr. Christian A. Bock Hyeng
North Carolina A&T State University, School of Technology, 1601 East Market Street, Greensboro NC, 27411, 336-334-7199, cbhyeng@ncat.edu


      Industrial wastes produced from civil engineering projects can lead to severe environmental impacts. One of such waste is heavy metal like mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) which may have to be disposed of after demolition. However, the disposal of heavy metals at landfills could lead to the migration of metal ions into the surrounding soils, in the form of insoluble hydroxides, such as chromium hydroxides, aluminum hydroxide, iron hydroxides, and thereby posing health risk. Consequently, it is of uttermost importance for heavy metals to be reused in civil construction in order to reduce the volume that could be brought to the landfills or disposal sites. This paper uses analytical concepts to study the ecological, and environmental impacts of heavy metal disposal at landfills, and how their reuse could significantly address the issue of metal leachate into the soil as well as the reduction of its impact on global warming and the environment as a whole. Thus, these heavy metals have been extensively studied and their effect on the environment, and on human health regularly reviewed by international bodies such as WHO with more emphasis on proper discarding of these materials rather than reuse.

Dr. Yamb & Dr. Bock Migration_of_Heavy_Metals (Green Conference)_pge

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